Less Nutrition During Pregnancy Could Be Cause of Poor Nutrition

The pregnant mother from now on should be more concerned with the nutritional intake.Because if less it will impact directly on the nutritional status of their children too soon. This was stated by Director of Maternal and Child Nutrition and Health Ministry of Health of Indonesia, Doddy Izwardi, met after attending the exposure to research by the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) in Building MR21-Indonesia, Jl Menteng Raya, Jakarta, Friday (01/23/2015). 

"The status of malnutrition during pregnancy that could be the cause of poor child nutrition. 25 Percent stunted children under five are indicated for maternal malnutrition during pregnancy," Doddy said. According to him, pregnant women should sufficient intake of important nutrients such as one protein found in many fish. 


Results Health Research (Riskesdas) mentions that the average pregnant woman eating protein only 60-70 percent of the total requirement alone. "Pregnant women are low consumption status, energy and protein deficits later. From my experience, an area with a lot of the fish production fish instead sold when it should be consumed, "he said. Based on the results of research conducted MoH RI, FKM UI and MCA-Indonesia on 2,100 respondents mother in some parts of Indonesia, approximately 43 percent of pregnant women surveyed admitted to eating less than three times per day. 

While it, 35 percent said they eat less, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy because of nausea. In fact, this is a critical period of fetal growth.

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