Dyshidrosis Treatment: How you Can Help yourself

Dyshidrosis, also known as Dyshidrotic Eczema, is a chronic skin condition which is characterized by small blisters on the hands and feet. The name "Dyshidrosis" comes from the word "dyshidrotic" which means "bad sweating" which was deemed as the cause. Sometimes it is also known as Pompholyx which means "bubble" in Greek referring to the blisters on the skin. In some cases, pmpholx refers to hand dyshidrosis. This skin condition is not contagious to others, but it can cause extreme stress and pain to the sufferers. Not to mention the unsightly nature of the condition can cause social anxiety and low self esteem. 

Till today, the definite cause of Dyshidrosis is unknown. It is often associated with other skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, bacterial infection or excessive stress. However, there are several probable factors which can aggravate the condition:
  • Nickel allergy may be a significant contributing factor to dyshidrosis. Tests have shown that dyshidrosis sufferers who are given a low nickel diet reported having less flare ups.
  • Coming into contact with allergens may be the cause.
  • Metal toxicity such as copper, mercury and nickel
  • Other possible factors include aspirin ingestion, oral contraceptives, cigarette smoking, and implanted metals.
Unfortunately, since dyshidrosis is a type of eczema, the most common treatment for dyshidrosis is topical steroids which can bring about harmful long term effects such as skin thinning. Other methods include the use of Hydrogen Peroxide (35% strength) and Potassium Permanganate solution. Both of these can work to a certain extend but the side effects include significant burning and itching.

Dyshidrosis Treatment: How you Can Help yourself

Therefore,it is recommended that to treat Dyshidrosis, it is necessary to go back to the basics, that is to strenghten the immune system and eliminating toxins from the body. You can check out the various methods to achieve a strong immune system via feeding the body the right food at EczemaFreeNaturally.com

Having the basics taken care of, here are some of thehome remedies you can try to get relief for Dyshidrosis:
  • Use emollients frequently to prevent cracking and itching. Avoid petroleum jelly as it does not absorb into the skin. 
  • Try soaking in sea salts or epson salts. Some found relief in soaking in white vinegar.
  • Avoid harsh shampoos and body wash. Stick with gentle bath oil. If you are having flare ups, remember to wear gloves when washing hair or bathing. 
  • Avoid nickel if you are allergic to it. Nickel can present in certain types of foods, jewelry, computer keyboards, dental filling and even bra. 
  • Avoid stressful situations or learn stress management
  • Avoid scratching. I know it is easier said than done. Try wearing unbleached cotton gloves to protect your hands.
  • Plantain (Plantago major) infused in olive or other oil can be soothing.
  • Wear cotton gloves while reading newspapers, books and magazines. The lead in the ink may be an irritant.
  • Avoid hand sanitizing products which contains alcohol. Alcohol is drying and may aggravate the condition.
  • Wash affected hands and feet with cool water and apply a moisturizer as soon as possible.
Although dyshidrosis is not life threatening, this skin condition can cause extreme pain and stress to the sufferes. While there is no definite treatment for dyshidrosis, one can aid the healing of this condition by practising a healthy lifestyle.

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